5 Problems a Clogged Gutter Can Cause to Your Home

A gutter system is an integral part of your house, yet it is often overlooked. A gutter’s job is to collect the rainwater on your roof and drain it through the downspouts. The downspouts have a splash block near the bottom to keep away the rainwater from the walls.
Without the proper gutter system, you will have to call in roofing repair often. The rainwater collecting on your roof weakens the shingles. Water intrusion can rot the deck and damage your soffits.
Even if the slant of your roof disperses the water, the moisture seeping into the walls damages the structural integrity of your home. Furthermore, it also causes mold and mildew.
What Do Clogged Gutters Do to Your Home?
Leaky Roofs
The first sign of clogged gutters is a leaking roof. Since the gutters no longer channel the water to the ground, the collected water sits on the rood, until it becomes too heavy. Once the shingles give way, the water will seep through the ceiling and the walls. In fact, roofers have also noticed that standing water also pushes at the cracks and drives them wider.
Damaged Foundation
When the gutter is unable to drain the water, it will often pool close to your home’s foundation. Over time, the water erodes cracks in the foundation and soon enough the foundation is compromised. The entire structure rests upon the foundation, cracks and water damage are too dangerous to be neglected. A crumbling foundation can be identified by the sinking of the house, dips in the floor, bowing walls, and jutting out doors and windows.
Ice Dams
During the colder months, a lot of Oklahoman homes face the problem of ice dams. Ice dams are only romantic to look at, once the ice melts a clogged gutter traps the slush. Without a place to drain itself, the water leaks into the roof and the walls. Roofers say, in addition to moisture intrusion, the water also gives rise to mildew. Mildew, in turn, is linked with some serious health concerns.
Pest Infestation
Stagnant water is the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes and all sorts of pests. The rotting wood from the damaged fascia and soffits attract termites and carpenter ants. The damp leaves and debris itself can cause a rodent infestation.
Mosquitoes can carry diseases like the West Nile Virus, dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. If termites are left unchecked, they can cause serious harm to the structure of your roof, requiring costly roofing repairs in future.
Ruined Landscaping
Clogged gutters spill water into your gardens and flower beds. Overwatering kills your plants and may even wash them away completely. The gutter redirecting the water to your perfectly manicured lawn can also give rise to puddles. Not only are puddles unsightly, but if the grass is too damaged, you might also be required to replant sections.
All American Roofing Gets You Covered
All American Roofing is locally owned and operated, serving clients in Oklahoma City, Edmond, and Tulsa. Our roofing services and products are unparalleled in quality. We are GAF Master Elite Certified and have completed over 40 years in the industry. You can request a free consultation from our homepage.